Bridging People and Possibilities  |  A Service of  Tyndale University

Senior Pastor

Senior Pastor

Company: Faith Baptist Church
Contact Person: Austin Rosom
437 Broadway Ave E
Regina, Saskatchewan , S4N 0Z8
Phone: 306-055-13320

Position Description

Faith Baptist Mission Statement 

To bring people to Jesus, to establish them in church fellowship, to develop them in Christlikeness, and to equip them for service in the Church and in society so that God’s name will be exalted. 

Primary Role 

The Senior Pastor is a spiritual leader of the Church and under-shepherd of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is recognised as an Ordained Elder who is uniquely called of God to full-time service and equipped with pastoral gifts for ministry within the congregation. The direction of the Church shall rest with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Elders acting in accordance with the direction of the membership. 

Required Qualifications 

The Senior Pastor must:  

  • Be eligible for membership in Faith Baptist Church, including agreement with the statement of faith.  
  • Be a preacher of the Gospel and teacher of sound doctrine and the whole council of God as embodied in the Scriptures.  
  • Be a man of good standing who has a rapport with God, aptitude for this ministry, and displays the characteristics set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.  
  •  Become an ordained elder of Faith Baptist Church as a part of his candidacy and hiring. This includes writing a doctrinal positional paper as determined by the Board of Elders.  

Primary Job Responsibilities 

  • It is the duty of the Senior Pastor to occupy the pulpit and provide spiritual guidance and leadership to the Church. In consultation with the Board of Elders it is his privilege to invite to the pulpit, from time to time, those whom he believes can/will provide a valuable ministry to the congregation.  
  • He shall preach the Gospel, teach the Scriptures, administer the ordinances, and shall give leadership in organizing and developing the Church for the best possible service in the Kingdom of God.  
  • His teachings shall reflect sound doctrines consistent with the Faith Baptist Church Statement of Faith and promote adherence to the standard of conduct set by Faith Baptist Church.  
  • The Senior Pastor shall have administrative charge over all other pastoral/ministerial staff and direct ministerial staff and secretarial support.  He will hold regular staff meetings to lead, and foster growth in his staff.  
  • The Senior Pastor shall chair the Church Ministries Board.  
  • The Senior Pastor shall be responsible for overseeing both of Faith Baptist Church’s campuses.  
  • He shall be free to attend and participate ex-officio in the meetings of any board, committee or church organization.  
  • Complete a Senior pastor’s personal Performance Review in cooperation with the Board of Elders annually.  
  • Complete Associate Pastors and Executive Assistants evaluations annually.  
  • Be available to give general Biblical counselling.  
  • Provide enthusiastic leadership in evangelism.  
  • Provide leadership in visitation. 

Interpersonal Responsibilities 

  • Maintain a vital and growing personal walk with the Lord through committed Bible study, prayer, and service.  
  • Be a steward of his professional development.  
  • Maintain Godly priorities in his home.  
  • Develop personal evangelism opportunities within and outside the church.   

Application Requirements 

  • Send resume to  
  • Resume should include:  
  • A cover letter. 
  • Work & ministry experience.  
  • Level of Biblical education.  
  • A minimum of three references (ministry, personal, & local church).  
  • Provide your personal statement of faith. 
  • A Bachelors of Biblical Studies, Theology, or equivalent; Masters of Biblical Studies, Theology, or Ministry preferred.  
  • Full time ministry experience preferred.  


  1. We believe in the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. The whole of the Bible in its sixty-six books is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and is the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. The believer has the privilege to interpret the Scriptures personally through the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
  2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existing and manifested in three co-equal and distinct persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe that the Father reigns with providential care over all life and history in the created universe. He initiated salvation by sending His Son as Lord and Savior. He hears and answers prayer.
  4. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, became human, being supernaturally conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and is true God and true man.
  5. We believe in the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. He regenerates and indwells the believer, and is our abiding guide and teacher. He is the power for victory over sin and the enabling power for service.
  6. We believe that man was created in the image of God, that by Adam’s disobedience sin entered into the world, that the resulting fall was passed on to the entire race and apart from Christ man is spiritually dead and lost.
  7. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead in body, and ascended to heaven where He is now interceding for us. His shed blood is the only atonement for our sins. All who repent and believe on Him have the forgiveness of sins.
  8. We believe that each individual becomes a child of God when accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, and the Holy Spirit imparts eternal life. We believe that ultimately each child of God is personally accountable to God alone for attitudes and actions.
  9. We believe that the church is the body of Christ consisting of all true believers united for His purposes. The church is a self-determining body under the lordship of Christ. Church and state exist by the will of God and have distinct concerns and responsibilities, free from the control by each other.
  10. We believe the ordinances of the church are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Believer’s baptism by immersion signifies identification with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. The partaking of the bread and the cup by believers is a continuing memorial of the broken body and shed blood of Christ.
  11. We believe in the sudden, personal, and visible return of Jesus Christ.
  12. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all mankind; that of the saved at the return of Jesus Christ, and that of the unsaved in the day of the Great Judgment.
  13. We believe that all those who are redeemed will enjoy a life of everlasting blessedness in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  14. We believe that all those who are unsaved are condemned to a conscious existence in everlasting death and torment.
  15. We believe in the reality and the personality of Satan, who can exert vast power but only so far as God allows him to do so. He is the accuser of the believer and the enemy of all that is Godly. He shall in the end be cast into Hell.

Faith Baptist Church Information

Brief History

On January 24, 1954 a small group of concerned Christians met for prayer. Facing them was the possibility of starting a new church.  Rev. Richard Grabke accepted their call to be the founding pastor and began as the full-time pastor in April of 1954.  There have been 8 senior pastors from 1954 to present. 

In the spring of 2022 the former Discovery Baptist Church merged with Faith Baptist Church. This created two locations still under the name of Faith Baptist Church. There is Broadway Campus and University Park Campus.  The Broadway sanctuary seats about 400 and University Park Campus (UPC) sanctuary seats about 150.


  • Pastoral Staff  
  • Senior Pastor (Primary Preaching Pastor) 
  • Three Associate Pastors 
  • Support Staff  
  • Administrative Assistant  
  • Children’s Ministry Coordinator  
  • Children’s Ministry Assistant  
  • Preschool Teacher  


Faith Baptist Church is congregationally led by a Board of Elders.  The Senior Pastor is responsible for the staff of Faith Baptist Church and reports directly to the Board of Elders.  

Sunday Services 

  • Broadway Campus has two morning services and one evening service. 
  • UPC has one service at 10AM 
  • The Sunday morning service is recorded and live streamed 
  • Average Sunday attendance is ~400 people 


  • Young Adults (~15 people) 
  • Monday nights they have a fellowship and Bible study gathering. 
  • They will also have a social gathering twice monthly. 
  • Youth (~40 youth) 
  • Wednesday nights there is a Bible study and quizzing for some youth for grades 7 – 12. 
  • The quiz team participates in three tournaments per year (~20 youth) 
  • The full youth group have an event every Friday and attend occasional retreats. 
  • Children’s Ministries  
  • On Sunday there is Sunday School for ages 2 -6 and Grades 1 – 2; 3 – 4; and 5 – 6. 
  • There is nursery supplied and Children’s Church during Sunday service. 
  • Wednesday Family Night: 
  • begins a meal for the children and adults 
  • then different age groups participate in the Bible-centered teaching and games  
  • There is also Club D.J. Sunday evenings 
  • Center Shot Archery for ages 9 – 13 for nine weeks twice per year 
  • In the summer, VBS is held one week at each campus   
  • Seeds of Faith Preschool 
  • The FBC Preschool operates for five mornings and two afternoons during the school year  
  • Sunday School  
  • Classes  
  • Grades 7 and 8  
  • High School 
  • Young Adults have their own class 
  • Women’s Class  
  • Men’s Class 
  • Combined Class (at both Broadway and UPC)

Other Ministries 

  • ~12 small groups meeting at various times 
  • Grief Share 
  • Women’s Ministry with two events and one retreat 

Outreach Activities  

  • Church picnic at each campus 
  • Block Party at each campus 
  • Candy Carnival at Halloween 


  • Faith Baptist Church supports about 40 missionaries/groups with about $100,000/year 
  • Every fifth Sunday there is a mission’s emphasis during the evening service 
  • A three- day annual Mission’s Conference is held in October 


  • North American Baptist Conference  
  • Saskatchewan Baptist Association 
  • Explore
  • Sr Pastor
Posted: March 2, 2025 | Expires: September 1, 2025
Posted Under: Pastoral
Career ID: [ 17796 ]