Group Home House Parent
Group Home House Parent
Sturgeon County, Alberta , T0A0K4
Position Description
Group Home House Parents live in a suite attached to the group home, and are in many ways silmilar to foster parents with extra supports. The House Parents interact with the children/youth in the group home on a daily basis - eating meals together, providing nurturing, and ensuring their daily needs are being met. There are several Child and Youth Care Workers who assist with daily routines and activities, and a home Supervisor to support the staff and children. The House Parents are responsible for supervising the home over night (sleep shift), and managing the morning routines of breakfast, hygiene, etc. until other staff arrive, or until the children/youth are at school. They will also become part of the treatment team in meeting with case workers, arranging for medical and counseling appointments, and communicating with schools about academic and behavioral progress. They will participate in quarterly service team meetings for the children/youth in the home, and will help implement treatment strategies for the individual clients.
House Parents receive a competitive salary for the work that is required, and are scheduled for regular time off. However, as a ministry we realize that the commitment to the children/youth in our homes cannot be relegated to a regular 40 hour work week. We are missionaries to a special group of people who are very close to the heart of God.
The children/youth in the home are typically between the ages of 6 - 16 years old, and are all male. They are referred to us through Alberta Children's Services, with whom we contract to provide 8 placements in two homes. The homes are on adjoining acreages about 1/2 hour north of Edmonton, and have excellent facilities (playground, hockey rink, sport court, toboggan hill, and large open sport field). The children/youth are often under Permanent Guardianship of the province, and come to us with a range of emotional and intellectual needs (e.g. Significant trauma, FASD, RAD, behavior disorders, ADD, and others).
Our program places an emphasis on providing quality faith-based care through structured living, teaching living and social skills, lots of outdoor activity, and people who care deeply about each child. The house parents are central to our model of family-like group care.
Renascence Homes has been caring for children/youth since 1981, and are highly respected in the region for the successful and professional way we have worked with many children/youth. We strive to provide good training and support to all of our staff, including the house parents.
In order to apply for this position you will need to have some relevant education (degree or diploma in Child and Youth Care, Education, Social Work or similar), and definitely some experience in working with children/youth who have high needs.
Posted Under: Ministry - General
Career ID: [ 8776 ]