Bridging People and Possibilities  |  A Service of  Tyndale University
This Month's Sponsor
Pastoral Imagination Annual Gathering: 

You are not alone on this journey of serving the Kingdom. Join us in celebrating what God is doing in the Greater Golden Horseshoe and connecting with like-minded leaders of faith at the very first Pastoral Imagination Annual Gathering.

Next Generation Ministry--part-time

Next Generation Ministry--part-time

Company: Northside Community Church
Contact Person: Pastor Steve Boctor
55 Leonard St
Kitchener, Ontario , N2H 6C7
Phone: 519-744-8061

Position Description

Your Focus

Your focus will be to organize and run an existing Jr. High Ministry, and launching a Senior High Ministry.  You’ll also support and encourage existing Children’s and Young Adults Ministries.

What You Bring

A fun and enthusiastic energy with a contagious passion for reaching and discipling the next generation.  Ability to raise up, organize and develop a great team of involved and engaged volunteers.  Genuine and mature character, strong and growing faith, trustworthy integrity, and humble leadership.

Some experience in working with and leading ministries to the next generation.

Our Culture & Vision

We are a down-to-earth, friendly, caring, generous, evangelistic, joyful and fun-loving community with a vision to be a church of diverse nations and ages worshipping Jesus together with a focused attention on making disciples who make disciples, building godly marriages & families and raising up passionate leaders.

To learn more check out our website

Current Ministry Situation & Key Responsibilities


  • Jr. High launched 2 years ago and averages 20 youth on Tuesday Nights. 90% of them are from the neighbourhood with little to no church background or understanding of Scripture. We’ve taken them through Youth Alpha, and Scripture every week.
  • We have several volunteers from young adults to seniors helping in different areas.
  • We have a few grade 9 students who are volunteering.
  • Sr. High Ministry will need to be developed.
  • You have a great base of kids and volunteers to build from with a focus on expanding the youth ministry with fun and creative ideas with the intention on seeing youth enter into and grow as disciples of Christ and leaders.  


  • We have a good base of volunteers and one coordinator.
  • Being a smaller church, the number of children, on any given Sunday, could vary from three to ten.
  • Need to grow the volunteer base.
  • Work with team to consider outreaches/growth in young families.


  • We have seen this ministry grow from four to over ten in approximately a year. 
  • They are a very capable and enthusiastic group.
  • You would provide encouragement and support, as needed, for their ministry and to help them mature in Christ and leadership.

Next Steps

  1. Prayerfully consider if this is where God might be calling you to serve.
  2. Send me your resume with a cover letter at
  3. I’ll meet with potential candidates informally to get to know one another. Then, a possible, more formal interview with myself and elder(s).
  4. Once a strong candidate is found, we’ll ask you to connect with the AGC (Associated Gospel Churches of Canada) credentialling team to ensure there’s a fit within the AGC.
Posted: July 3, 2024 | Expires: October 11, 2024
Posted Under: Pastoral - Youth/Youth Worker
Career ID: [ 15670 ]