Lead Pastor
Lead Pastor
Company: Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church
Contact Person: Pastoral Search Committee
Email: bethelchurchpsc@gmail.com
18 Ferndale Rd.
Lion's Head, Ontario , N0H1W0
Lion's Head, Ontario , N0H1W0
Website: http://www.bethelemc.ca
Position Description
Are you a collaborative, empathetic, growth minded individual, with a passion for people and guiding
them towards God through preaching, discussing, and sharing your Biblical knowledge? Are you
interested in shepherding a congregation with a wide range of ages in a small rural town? If so, this may
be the vocation God is calling you to.
Job Purpose:
Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church, in Lions Head, ON, is looking for a full-time
pastor to help lead and guide the church; collectively and corporately, towards achieving the purpose of
bringing glory to God by:
- Praising and thanking Almighty God, (Ps 95:1-6, 1 Chron. 16:34, Heb. 13:15)
- Loving Him and neighbours, (Matt. 22:31-39, John 13:34-35)
- Making disciples, (Matt. 28:19-29, Rom. 10:14-15)
- Bringing the news of Jesus Christ to the world, (Mark 16:15, Luke 8:1, Matt. 24:14)
- Building each other up in the faith. (1 Thess. 5:11-18, Eph. 4:29)
Education, Experience and Qualifications:
- A diploma, or higher, in Biblical studies or theological training
- Protestant background; Evangelical
- Lead pastor experience considered an asset
To view a full job description visit our website https://www.bethelemc.ca/leadpastor-jobdescription