Bridging People and Possibilities  |  A Service of  Tyndale University
This Month's Sponsor
A beacon of light and hope in the world: 

Read about how you can help students like Eric become the next generation of compassionate leaders our world needs.

Posting Approval Process

Career postings on the Christian Careers Canada need to go through an approval process before they are made publicly available on the website.

Posting Limitations

Steps to initiate the approval process

  1. Log in to Christian Careers Canada and go to the career you wish to have approved. You can find all careers you have posted on My Dashboard.
  2. Along the top of the posting you should see three buttons labeled VIEW, EDIT, and WORKFLOW. If you do not see these buttons, this might not be your career posting, or you might not be logged in. 
  3. Click on the WORKFLOW button. 
  4. Select Ready for Approval and click Update workflow

An email will be sent to the Christian careers Canada team to let them know that your new posting requires approval. 

How long does it take for a posting to be approved?

Career posting approvals are usually done on the same or next business day, but may take up to five business days. Weekends and statutory holidays are not business days, therefore any careers posted on these days will not be approved until the business week begins.